Hey Guys, I have the usual Flintloque stuff that none of you seem to be too bothered by... But I also have some UNCHARTED SEAS stuff.
So here it goes!
I'll start with the Flintloque.
This is one of AA's VLE (VERY limited edition, limited to 250 casts) miniatures. I think that so far, it is easily the best of the lot too. Once I got this I just had to start painting it. I stopped halfway through when I realised I couldn't really use it in Slaughterloo. However, I am thinking of writing some rules for him as an extra special officer (in a similar vein to a Mounted officer, except he can dismiss orders and give his own (it is his god-given right!)).
The miniature is excellent, I really recommend it. The sculptor has done really well and you can tell he has paid extra attention to making it like the older sculpts. Well done him.
I have another sitting unpainted which will be converted into my style. I also plan on doing a pope, but dark sword miniatures just released a frog one, so I may just use that!
Luca has connections in the Tapioca Naffia crime family in Nepolise. He gained such connections at the battle of Maulando, he is now a well known and respected officer in the Nepolise army.
I apologise for the poor photography, I was trying to see what would happen if I didn't use flash. Turns out, my camera much prefers using it as this image is grey and grainy.
Uncharted Seas ORC CRUISERS
These truly are a joy to paint. I love the game and I love the miniatures. I used an awful lot of drybrushing and ink washing as the miniatures are a smaller scale. I wanted to get the fleet done as I really, really like the game system. I have spent a little while on the sails, I hope it stands out enough now.
This is only just 'finished'. I still have to do the sail design, which will be the same as the above ones, just with more tentacles. I have 6 frigates done too, but I have another 12 frigates 2 Battlecruisers and an assault ship (that looks rather phallic unfortunately) to paint up. The most time consuming thing to do is the bases. Sculpting them is quite a paint, but I started it, so I will finish it!
Cheers, I hope that is enough variety for you!